Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Travis Hanson - Mind Reader??

Travis Hanson.  That's the name of the exceptional artist that I've picked to work on some promotional material for me.  I personally love his art, and from conception to execution, he has been a stand up guy and categorical professional.  

This artwork will go onto some 6 x 9 folders for mailing promotional materials to event planners, corporate mucky-mucks, etc. and it can be scaled up or down as necessary to do other things.  We've talked about making a few changes, but I am really impressed with Travis' ability to comprehend and capture the vision that was in my head and then put it onto paper.

Apparently I'm not the only mind reader out there!  He runs a free webcomic called "The Bean" and you can find out more about him and his art at www.beanleafpress.com.

I've got something special planned for tomorrow night's show - there might be some video here next week if all goes to plan!



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